Friday, December 11, 2009

The Home Stretch...

The past few weeks have just been a blur. My observations are finished, and while I'm grateful for the extra free time to work on projects, I do miss being in the classroom already!

I'm finished with two of my classes already. My Oral Interpretation of Literature course was one of the best classes I've ever had. It didn't require me to write a lot, study too hard, or think too much...exactly the opposite. It required me to get OUT of my own head and let loose a little. At first it was so hard to stand up in front of the class each week and read something else in front of everyone. But eventually you realize that everyone is nervous, and nobody is really watching you as close as you are 'watching' yourself. It was a humbling experience. Lip synching a song for the final exam was very freeing. My three minutes of fame!

I also finished my 'Freshman Composition' class. St. Joe's wouldn't let me graduate without taking it, regardless of the fact that I already had an associate degree and THREE other colleges waived it as a requirement. So I spent the semester sitting with twenty 18 year olds and learned to write. While I was often frustrated that I had to take another class during an already stressful semester, I tried to keep in mind that my classmates weren't much older than the students I might be teaching soon. Once I put the class in that perspective, I started putting the class in a new light.

Don't get me wrong...I'm still annoyed that I had to take another class. But at least I was able to take away something I hadn't planned. Go me!

The next 10 days is crunch time. I have to wrap up thesis this weekend, finish my reflection, gather my sources for my final research paper (to be written in the blue book!) and create two unit plans.

But at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel!